
Showing posts from November, 2020

Is there a powerful trazadone unconscious artistic creative influence ?

Dear Becky - Dr. Simpao - this is for you - I will keep up the published blog until about the end of NOV 2020 - so you can look at it. After that I will revert the published to a draft in Blogspot.  First before delving into the trazadone effect - as I interpret it - here inserted is the YouTube video by Ann Barnhardt - Lay Catholic Theologian - Diabolical Narcissism - I find it a useful model - from her Latin Mass - in her view Novus Ordo being at minimum - heresy .. The video is long - but compelling - she is smart - smart, and devout.  This is not necessary or requested to be viewed prior to our phone appointment (in VA - have primary Monday 9 NOV 20 - as it does appear necessary to visit primary once a year to maintain eligibility for VA meds - with my determination to go to Essentia - (Becky first brought this up in Secure Messaging.) The video is nevertheless highly recommended - to take the Narcissistic Personality disorder to unite with the spiritual.    Generally the trazadone