Is there a powerful trazadone unconscious artistic creative influence ?

Dear Becky - Dr. Simpao - this is for you - I will keep up the published blog until about the end of NOV 2020 - so you can look at it. After that I will revert the published to a draft in Blogspot. 

First before delving into the trazadone effect - as I interpret it - here inserted is the YouTube video by Ann Barnhardt - Lay Catholic Theologian - Diabolical Narcissism - I find it a useful model - from her Latin Mass - in her view Novus Ordo being at minimum - heresy .. The video is long - but compelling - she is smart - smart, and devout.  This is not necessary or requested to be viewed prior to our phone appointment (in VA - have primary Monday 9 NOV 20 - as it does appear necessary to visit primary once a year to maintain eligibility for VA meds - with my determination to go to Essentia - (Becky first brought this up in Secure Messaging.)

The video is nevertheless highly recommended - to take the Narcissistic Personality disorder to unite with the spiritual.   

Generally the trazadone has been hit and miss for sleep with me - vivid - but not alarming dreams (known side effect) an observer of my sleep at 200 mg noted absence of breath for 18 seconds reputedly - -- quite factual I believe....   Probably a danger - at least clonazepam is hoped to be a past medicine.  Trying again melatonin - everything is hit and miss with the Wednesday - dex 12 mg - which is necessary in my mind to push the Ixomoped deeper (3 mg - once a week for 3 weeks then week off). I would like the Traz scripts to be kept available - I have plenty on hand for the creative and most nights recently - I have used 10 mg of Melatonin and 50 mg Traz - all is hit and his esp. in the immediate days after Dex day. Maybe it is OK to just be up 2 days rather than stopping breathing much longer than 18 seconds - it must be.  The two creative nights were quite some weeks ago - I have attempted to replicate creative effect Traz - as I must further process the works before contemplating producing more - the nicotine gum is scarce here - utilizing a small tobacco free pouch instead - less expensive than the gum. 

To: perceptions of a "side effect" of Trazadone

Resin based sculpture spontaneously manifests with trazadone, without any conscious involvement, - quickly - spontaneous - almost instantaneously. Appears to be a powerful creative drug - exceeding that of psilocybin (newly legal in Oregon - initiated measure - 3 NOV 20.)  

It appears to be possibly archetypical. A speculative hypothesis.

I am not arguing for or any solicitation necessarily as to artistic merit would annotate generally John Graham's hard to find and rare work - System and Dialectics of Art - It goes of course to Jung and the collective unconscious.

First four photos are the same "sculpture" from various angles.

It requires a title - how about "Donald Trump makes love to the corpse of Andrew Jackson" (?).  

some sort of tire tail coming out of 'it's' rectum ? something ....  in the rearview - now in consciousness looking at this weeks later......   Trazadone .......  Trazadone influenced - but on this early morning when it spontaneously - nearly ---- under a half minute - an overestimate - appeared. 

what is this? (rhetorical) weeks after creation - watching YouTube - will entitle this as "Johnny Cash - as a nine inch nail 'Hurt'"


mmmm maybe a 14th century Venetian Lion's head - who knows..

Lion's head "upside down"  - now a ? gnome ? these "images arrested in time" as in the statements of Abstract Expressionist Jackson Pollock -  

the medium are large masses of prechewed nicotine gum ... , all of it smaller than a softball. largest images are 3-4 inches - nicotine gum is not that inexpensive to create mountainous creations...  I believe while they still exist will get clear glassware and then pour binary mix Lucite to encapsulate. 

Yes - Paul Jackson Pollock is the wellspring of this thought - Jung of course also and Dr. Jordan B. Peterson - Canadian Clinical Psychologist's YouTube lectures - many many lectures on Maps of Meaning - Jung; the Psychological Implications of the Biblical Stories (Genesis - a number of 2 hour plus video lectures) ,  He was most recently had a bad - bad attempted withdrawal from Benzos -  most recent videos on his hideous withdrawals - near death - in hospitals in Russia and I believe Slovakia - Dr. Peterson is now back in Toronto and is planning to continue his biblical series of lecture - first Proverbs then to the book of Exodus.  Welcome back Dr. Peterson.   

There are more - but these make the case - as presently illustrative here. 

Now to Pollock - specifically 

The definitive biography - psychologically penetrating.

Jackson Pollock An American Saga 
Copyright 1989 Woodward/White, Inc. 

(used copies available at Abebooks site starting at about $11.00 including shipping) 

Steven Naifeh and Gregory White Smith.


The unconscious and it's role in the creative process:

"Everything in the unconscious seeks outward manifestation."

                                         Carl Jung

What then was post WWII American art world yearning for?

(the prose of the authors approach that of Bruce Catton's in A Stillness at Appomattox. IMO.)
    "Motherwell might have succeeded where Matta had failed, even without the love of his countrymen. He was by far the most eloquent and persuasive spokesman for the two galvanic ideas of the decade: automatism and an end to European domination. American artists of every stripe could agree, in the abstract at least, that painting was more important than theory and that the time had come for them to take their rightful place beside the European masters. His theory of "plastic automatism" fused Surrealist philosophy with the moderists' plastic concerns, but it remained only a theory ---- text without illustrations. Like Breton and Matta before them, Motherwell still lacked the most important ingredient  for a new movement: compelling art.

    Matta had been right: to steal the light from the Europeans and inspire American artists to their best efforts, a "manifestation" more beautiful and more compelling than anything seen before was needed. If the images were right, the movement would coalesce on its own. Despite his enthusiasm, his soirees, and his workshops. Matta had been unable to elicit the necessary creative spark. Interest in his new movement, both among artists  and among art dealers like Peggy Guggenheim. dissolved in frustration. Motherwell for all his political machinations, had also failed. But their efforts left behind an unexpired impetus for change and an expectation, urgent and pervasive, that a triumphant manifestation was just around the corner: that after wandering through the decades in search of expression, Surrealist ideas, rooted in Freud and the disillusionment following World War 1, would finally find appropriate images; and that those images would, like the ambient war, affirm America's new position of leadership in the world. 

    In short, the American art community was primed for a breakthrough."

           Steven Naifeh and Gregory White Smith (page 450)



An MD; - knew Pollock's "treatment"  would have to be psy based

preceding Wright (Hubbard) neither this psychiatrist nor Wright fully grasped what the Pollock authors presented in the very beginning of the book "Jackson was possessed by demons" - they mean virtually literally. 

An early self portrait - 1933, Paul Jackson Pollock (" the demons demanded concealment" the authors. 

Peggy Guggenheim bequeathed her NYC foyer mural to University of Iowa  - U wanted to sell it - but Peggy's will said no. almost 8 feet by 20 feet. Guggenheim wrote a biography Out of this Century,  re mural please see 

even her friends transliterated this title as "Out of her mind". She and her elite artsy friends did not notice the second world war. In a Paris motel with the Nazi's making noise down the hall called concierge to her room - who told her - it was nothing - they were just rounding up the Jews.  Oh. 


What was the art world waiting for? Of course - the "manifestation". 

Naifeh and Smith (page 552) (Stella - the mother of Jackson Pollock) :

    "The Christmas reunion was snowed out, but on December 30; Stella arrived for a two-week stay. The next day, New Year's Eve, huge gray clouds swept down from Canada and burst with snow. For days, the white of the sky and  the white of the ground were indistinguishable; the white creek disappeared into the white harbor and the white ocean beyond. On one of these brief days of pure light, bundled against the cold, with only a cigarette for warmth, his hands so numb he could barely hold brush, Jackson Pollock altered the course of Western art."


toward the masterpieces - "Jackson Pollock altered the course of Western Art" the authors.

below with Christine at Pollock's grave after visiting the Springs (Long Island NY) Pollock and his wife's (Lee Krasner - also abstract expressionist - Krasner, John Graham and the art critic Clement Greenberg were the first to recognize the breadth of Pollock's genius. 

On Amtrak 30 day rail pass my brother (2011) and I arrived at the home and studio and I looked forlornly looking at a binder of photos outside the home - lying near the rocks - of the "last photo" I was sizing up the women to approach one to pose with me on the rocks - to reprise the photo of Pollock and Ruth Klugman photo.  All females were large. I continued looking at the binder. about 5 minutes later arrived Christine - art dealer from Florida - I showed her the photo and concept - she got "it" right away and brother took our photo on the rocks - (I can not locate that photo on either of my computers at this time).  about 2 hours later at cemetery - brother - Christene and I were very impressed - (moved) by the visit, (brother a bit less) especially to the studio.


In other personal events - am utilizing the indoor pool at apartment - to do like 1000 leg lifts a session - that I can not do in the usual oxygen environment - several times a week. Last time I utilized the pool with regularity - about three years ago, my skin broke out in dermatitis  and the pool had to be discontinued.  Some days, most recently after exercise, must take time off (a day or two) from pool as the lower back sometime just goes to pain - pain. 

Also listening to News shows in Russian language - which compared to the English language news bombast of the President - I find comparatively soothing.

Soothing - in closing are three videos of classical music of the Obama White House:

Pratt plays Bach

Bell, Pratt, Weilerstein play Mendelssohnl

Weilerstein plays Kodaly 

Thank You
